Family Snapshots
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Our entire cruising party pauses for a Christmas photo in front of the ship's 10-story atrium.
Our entire cruising party pauses for a Christmas photo in front of the ship's 10-story atrium.
Glenna's Grandkids. Click to display comparison with photo from 2002 cruise.
Glenna's Grandkids. Display comparison with photo from 2002 cruise.
Anna with Mom and Dad at the Promenade Cafe, our favorite people-watching hangout.
Anna with Mom and Dad at the Promenade Cafe, our favorite people-watching hangout.
Greg decked-out in his tux for formal night. Click to display comparison with photo from 2002 cruise
Greg decked-out in his tux for formal night. Display comparison with photo from 2002 cruise.
Ben - shaken, not stirred.
Ben - shaken, not stirred.
Dave ponders the intricacies of the FCC web site.
Dave ponders the intricacies of the FCC web site.
Click to Play related video. Anna enjoys breakfast in the ship's Windjammer Cafe.
Anna enjoys breakfast in the ship's Windjammer Cafe. Play related video!
Greg and Ben relax in one of the ship's many lounges and discuss the upcomming Iowa Caucuses.
Greg and Ben relax in one of the ship's many lounges and discuss the upcomming Iowa Caucuses.
Becky provides Glenna with her cocktail recommendations.
Becky provides Glenna with her cocktail recommendations.
Kelly tries out some of her new dance moves on one of the locals at South-of-the-Border.
Kelly tries out some of her new dance moves on one of the locals at South-of-the-Border.
Ben earns more time towards the 60 hours required to get his Jackalope permit.
Ben earns more time towards the 60 hours required to get his Jackalope permit.
Kelly experiences the uncomfortable transition back to life in the real world.
Kelly experiences the uncomfortable transition back to life in the real world.

Home | Ship Exterior | Ship Details | Ship Interior | Ports & Places | Cozumel | Teenagers | Family Dining | Family Snapshots